3 – Must have social media skills & 3 – Mistakes to avoid on Social Media


Executives need to be creative enough to produce content that can attract users . Social media executives have big responsibility of attracting user’s attention in short time. So you need to be as creative as you can.


Second on the list is spontaneity, Conversation on social media platforms happens instantly, conversations are lively and quick answer or spontaneous answers keeps the interaction going. Brands that reply fast on social media platforms are more likely to win users confidence compared to slower brands on social media

–  Listening Skills

One of the most important but least spoken skill – listening skill. Social media platforms allows you to get in touch with your customers directly and hence you need someone who can listen to your customers query or opinion.

What are the top three mistakes business execs make on social media?

– Over sharing of information

Imagine a situation where your customer tweets you about your product details which is yet to be released, and your executive gives away key information. I have seen such over sharing of information which affects the overall promotion activity. Make sure you don’t over share the information when you someone is inquiring about your product.

– Excessive posting

One of the most common mistake, executives make is over posting. Understand your audience well and post it when they are active. Facebook offers an insight into when you users are mostly active, similarly tools like followerwonk tells you when your users are active on twitter.

-Losing the Coolness

Keep your eyes and ears open and stay away from creating any kind of controversies or harsh statements. If you are handling your company Facebook page or twitter handle, there are chances that you will land up few customers who may complain about your product or services. Don’t loss your coolness their – just reply to their queries and end it with thank you.

Free Powerful Tool for Sales and Marketing Professionals


Hubspot launches a New Tool, Signals – http://www.getsignals.com/

Signals allows us to track two important things-

  1. Track if someone has opened our email and
  2. Real time tracking of our leads through integration with sales force

I have currently integrated my Gmail and soon will integrate my outlook. And i am already enjoying it. Being a big fan of measurement and analytics, i always wanted a tool that tells me who has opened ma email and not.

I don’t use the later, but I’m sure integrating this tool, will offer a great deal of information to sale person.

The tool is available both in free and premium version. Free version has limited features and viz.

How to Stop/ Turn off Whatsapp (or any) Push Notification on Your Android phone

Update on 1/1/2014:

Download this no-sound ringtone (silent ringtone) to permanently turn off the whatsapp or any other app’s notification sound.


Follow this steps and you can permanently turn off your Whatsapp push notification (Only for Android 4.2 & above):-

1) Go to settings

2) Go to Apps

3) Go to Any App whose notification you want to shut down (Example –  whatsapp)

4) Unchecked the “Show Notifications” Icon (check the image shown below)  (Note – in ma case its already unchecked)

And Wola!!!! its done 😛

shut down whatsapp notifcation

If you enjoyed reading this article, do share it with your friends and relatives. I am darn sure they are looking for this.


Want to Look Cool on Social Media? Create a Meme

Every social media channel whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or Reddit (actually the best place for meme) you will find meme. And these meme’s are so awesome that we instantly laugh at them and hit the like button or share it.

Create a meme

I have become a big fan of meme’s and i started exploring meme’s when i wanted to chillout or  make other people laugh

One fine day i search on Google on how to create a meme and wella i found an easy way to create a meme – http://www.memegenerator.net

Website is simply awesome, you just have to type the text you want to enter into your favorite picture and it will generate a meme you want.

I would recommend you to go and visit the website memegenerator.net if you are looking for some fun

There are few other websites that too allows you to create meme’s-





Few of my Favorite meme’s

Quick Guide On Creating Awesome Meme’s:

  1. Get Yourself well-versed with meme’s, observe what was so awesome about a meme and made you laugh
  2. Choose the best pic to what you want to convey (Perfect emotional match)
  3. Write and Rewrite the text till you find it hilarious
  4. Take a review of one or more friends and see their reaction

Do share me your meme’s by commenting below

