The changing face of Yahoo! And why I’m Loving it


Something i really like about Marissa Mayer is her boldness and her ability to shut down the loss making products/ services of Yahoo!. Since she became the CEO of Yahoo! I feel that somehow Yahoo! is now in safe hands and there is a chance for Yahoo! to make a come back in this highly competitive tech space.

A skill said to be earned from Google, Marissa has been closing down non-performing services of Y!. According to an article, Y! has shutdown 12 of their products and services since she became the CEO. In an recent update, Yahoo even closed down its Y! Mail service in China which was in partnership with Tancent Group(

Shutting down non-performing division is clearly one thing that will help Yahoo! focus on its core services. (something that steve jobs did long before when he made a comeback at Apple)

What’s Yahoo’s Focus Area Now?

Recent buyouts in the mobile space clearly indicates that they are gearing up high on Mobile . As the number of users accessing internet via mobile has increased, it has somehow became the hottest property for tech companies. Their recent buyouts in mobile space also includes iPhone App Summly (content curating app) and Rockmelt (an app development company) including 19 other buy outs.

Yahoo has buy out 21 start ups in the last year

So clearly one thing is Mobile Space

And second thing is Content

In the last 5 years or so Yahoo has become one of the hottest content producers online. And to the awesomest fact users just love it. Yahoo’s definition has changed from a website that offers an awesome mail service(once) to a well know content producing website. (Atleast for Gen Y)

Updated on 4/11
Inspired to update this post as I  wanted to let you know how cool the new design of Yahoo Mail is. Today Morning i logged into my secondary mail account (primary being in gmail) and was just amazed at its new cleaner and crispy design.

I suddenly liked reading my mails, something I was literally avoiding earlier. Also, there were literally no spam emails in my inbox. Thanks to Marissa Mayer and its Team for the improvement

Just in case you want to read the official announcement of new yahoo mail update –

This is how it looks like –


P.S. – I’m big Fan of Y! and love their products, although they are suffering right now, I am darn sure they would come back and again rule the market.

What do you know about internet?

Why was internet Made? (Off course, Internet was basically made to communicate things. (In technical terms it was made to send bytes of data from one pc to another)

But, how do we use the internet? And Where are we spending our time over internet? and how much time?

Are we doing things on internet that we were meant for or are we spending time on useless things?

What is the true potential of internet?

How can we increase our productivity using internet? and indeed live an awesome life?

I am stuck with all these questions and as i began my quest on internet, I will update you with answers to each and every question. I want to know if people are spending their time on internet wisely and are they using it to increase their efficiency or not? (Because that’s the ultimate goal)

If you can answer any of these question, i would be more then happy to have it. 

New Transition Under Process:From Orkut to Facebook and now Google+

When last month Google announced it’s new social networking website Google+, one famous quote struck ma mind “Nothing is permenant, except change”
I wondered whether G+ is the new change??

Till now G+ has created a huge hype among netizens thanks to its marketing strategy of invitation based calling.If we believe Google, the new networking site has already 20+ millions members !!
Google are sure that this time they have struck the cord and are ready to wedge a full fledge war against a 500+ billions members Facebook.

Before we go further, i want you to go back some 4-5 years , from where it all began-

Year 2007 and it was Orkut all over the web!
It was our first experience on web, where we were virtually connected to our friends.Features like scrapbook, photo sharing and comments were the one which kept us all online.
We were all busy goofing up who’s who! Lolz
Now around 2010 came Facebook.Although it was their before but we didn’t notice it, as we didn’t need to.
Facebook became an instant hit in indian market with its “Wall’s”.
Sharing reached its new heights.With just one click, you can tell your freinds anything you want.
We found facebook more simpler and unique.With its Super awesome Applications and Gaming experience , it was just irresistible.
Till today it gives users that “charismatic” feel!

In midst of this, Google has announced G+
Google+ at its core has the same experience as FB.But,it has new features like Circle’s, Hangout’s and Spark which are seriously cachy and crowd puller.
G+ is currently under beta testing mode and hence limited users(those who have invitations) are having access to it.It is certain that when G+ will come out of beta testing mode it will see a rush of netizens signing in and making their G+ profiles!

Mean while users will move from FB to G+, marking a new transition in the Web world!